Saturday, May 28, 2011

Baggage and Such... the stressful beginning

Hello again,

A couple new updates to awe and inspire you...okay maybe not inspire as much as confound and frustrate you, like they have me, but its okay.  So, I got some nice emails detailing what I needed to fill out in order to get tickets for my move, what I need to have authenticated in order to move, and other information.  Can I just say that, at my age, the emails were daunting and word filled.  It was obvious to me that the person writing them was probably a businessperson or politician type and not a writer.  The language was, as I said before, confounding and frustrating.  I am lucky that I have my Mother Teresa, reader of difficult documents and explainer of complicated writing, to go over all the emails with me to write a list of things I needed to do in order to be able to go on my marvelous adventure.  The list is four pages long...on note paper, which on normal paper is about two pages.  The list includes authenticating my degree and teaching license (which is a pain and a half) as well as my power of attorney and possibly my will (we aren't quite sure on the last one yet).  It also includes having a medical check, complete with physical, blood work, and any vaccines that I need updated.  I also have to look into adding my parents onto my account and figuring out how to send money from my account in Abu Dhabi, when I get one, to my account in the U.S. in order to pay my numerous student loans and to avoid the most costs.  I am also getting an international driver's license, through AAA, so I can drive poorly in another country.  I have to register with the U.S. state department and the U.S. embassy in the UAE.  It is a lengthy process that I suggest you get on right away.  It hasn't been the easiest thing to stay on top of right now, what with the end of the school year and such, but I am doing my best.  I also made a will, health care directive, and power of attorney.  I downloaded the Quicken WillMaker, which is a much cheaper and easier way of making these three documents then going to a lawyer.  Anyway, I am paying a company to authenticate the necessary documents, which saves me a butt load of time and stress, for an small, worthy price.  This way I can continue to do the other things I need without having to worry about when documents are getting sent to which places and how quickly those documents can get back to me so that I can send them to the next place and....well you get the idea.  Anyone who is reading this to get some idea of what to expect for your own adventure...I hope this helps.  Now on to WAY more interesting information...

MY PARENTS GOT ME NEW LUGGAGE!!!! It is beautiful, I call it Sherlock chic.  I cannot explain how beautious it is without showing a picture, so look at that.  They are the London Fog Chelsea Lites luggage and I got the 29" and 25" suitcases, like the big one in the photo, and the 20" Rolling Club Bag, also in the photo.  I am pretty positive that my little sister could fit comfortably in the big suitcase.  They expand wider and the suitcases have 360 degree rolling capabilities and they are super easy to maneuver.  I think I am in love with my luggage.

I have already started to alter my wardrobe with clothing that won't kill me in the 100+ weather I expect to encounter when I get to Abu Dhabi in August.  I went to my favorite store, New York and Company, to buy three shirts and a pair of pants, all of which were light weight cotton or linen and loose fitting.  I have already worn one shirt to work and my students approved, so I must have some fashion sense yet.  I also bought four new pairs of shoes, which would have made my total shoe count 26 pairs, but then I got rid of six pair that I don't wear anymore, thus making my total a solid 20 (for those of you who have trouble in the math department).  It is not surprising to me that it has been somewhat difficult to find this lightweight clothing in Minnesota, the land of frigid winters, but I thought I would have a bit more luck in the pants department then I have.  I may have to make some pants and skirts this summer to make up for the lack of suitable/cheap linen pants in the area.

Something to note: when leaving ones family completely for two years for the first time ever, really, you are likely to become nostalgic and/or saddened.  Everything makes you tear up: talking to your brother about him being a senior next year, seeing your sister looking beautiful in her choir concert, reading to your littlest brother and overall realizing how much all three will change by the time you return in the summer next year.  My siblings and I are extremely close and I will miss them dearly, thank the heavens for Skype and Magic Jack so I can see and talk to my family on a regular basis while in Abu Dhabi.

Sitting here typing this, I wonder if people are able to own pet in the Abu Dhabi appartments....

Until next time,


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